Who We Are

At Trinity Central Church we long to know Christ and make him known by reaching the lost, building God’s people, and sending out workers into the harvest field. We are committed to expository preaching, as we hear God’s voice in the Scriptures, authentic community as we care for one another meaningfully, Biblical discipleship as we grow in knowledge and love of Christ, and urgent evangelism as we seek to reach our community.

Statement of Faith

  • The Scriptures as originally written are in their entirety, the infallible, inerrant, and inspired Word of God. The Bible is authoritative, clear, and sufficient as the full divine revelation for all generations. Since the Scriptures carries the full weight of God’s authority, we are obliged to submit in faith and life to its teaching.

  • There is only one God. He is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. God is fully omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He exists as three distinct yet fully divine persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each person eternally exists in unity within the Godhead and are each equal in divinity, power, and glory.

  • Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, having two natures inseparably united in one divine person without confusion, mixture, separation, or division. He is begotten, not made. In the incarnation, Jesus became man, being born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a perfect life among us and through His life and death, perfectly fulfilled the Law as our representative and mediator living without sin. He was crucified, died, and buried, and rose on the third day never to die again. He ascended to heaven, where He now reigns as God’s eternal Prophet, Priest, and King, building His church, interceding for us, and reigning over all things. He will return in glory to save His people and execute His perfect judgment against sin. He is the only mediator between God and man.

  • The Holy Spirit is of one substance with the Father and the Son. He eternally proceeds from the Father and the Son and indwells the hearts of believers. He unites us to Christ, enables our justification, and affects our sanctification. He convicts the world of sin, speaks through the Scriptures, and leads God’s people to trust in Christ. He intercedes for God’s people.

  • God created the universe and all things, physical and spiritual, both visible and invisible from nothing. He created a perfect creation at the beginning by speaking His Word. God preserves, sustains, and sovereignly governs His whole creation according to His holy, wise, powerful, and perfect providence.

  • Humanity was created male and female, in God’s perfect image, but through Adam’s sin the whole of humanity entered into a state of rebellion and moral corruption. All humanity by nature is dead in the original sin of Adam and estranged from God and incapable of obedience. As such, all mankind, without exception, deserves death as the punishment for sin.

  • God is sovereign over all His world and in redemption. Salvation is God’s sovereign work. He chooses us in election and calls and saves us through the work of His Spirit who unites us to Christ. Humanity is helpless in sin and we are completely dependent on His sovereign grace in justification.

  • Jesus Christ has secured our redemption through His full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice and oblation for sin. At the cross, He represented us and died on our behalf as our penal substitute. As the propitiation for sin, in His death He bore the wrath of God for our guilt, removing our sin and satisfying the Father. He imputes His righteousness to all believers securing our full redemption. Christ is the only Savior and Mediator between God and man.

  • Salvation is through Christ, by grace, through faith, and sinners are declared fully righteous before God at the moment of faith in Christ’s saving death.

  • The moral law perfectly reflects the unchangeable character of God and forever binds all people, believers as well as unbelievers. It reveals God’s perfect holiness and exposes our guilt leading us to the redemption in Christ.

  • The Church is the gathered people of God who are united to God and to one another by faith in Christ. God has established His visible church to live in the power of the Holy Spirit under the authority of the Scriptures, preaching the gospel of Christ, administering the sacraments, and exercising discipline. The people previously called Israel in the Old Testament, and now called the church in the New Testament, are one and the same people.

  • Christ has instituted and commanded two sacraments, the Lord’s Supper, and Baptism, though which He communicates the gospel through the means of bread, wine, and water.

  • The Scriptures acknowledge the reality of evil and of a personal adversary, the Devil. Those without Christ are under his control and through the saving work of Jesus, God’s people are delivered from him. The Devil, also called Satan, was defeated at the cross, and will be overthrown at Christ’s return. By the power of the gospel, God’s people enjoy victory over Satan and are called to turn from his temptations to godliness.

  • At the return of Christ, all humanity will be raised. Those who have rejected Christ will face the eternal and conscious punishment of hell, and those who have trusted in Christ as Lord and Savior will rise to eternal life in new physical resurrected bodies to enjoy the perfection of life in the glory of the new heavens and the new earth.

Meet Our Staff

  • Senior Pastor

    Tony is British and lived in the UK until 2022, when he was called to serve in the United States. After becoming a barrister in London, he left his legal career to study theology at Oxford University before going on to serve churches in the UK in two leading college cities as an assistant pastor and then as a senior pastor. He is married to Sarah, an American, and they have four young children, Emily, Samuel, William, and Sophie. As senior pastor Tony preaches most weeks, oversees the pastoral staff, and works closely with the eldership to set vision and care for the congregation. Tony loves living in the United States and is passionate about clear expository preaching so that the voice of God can be heard reaching the lost and training God’s people to live amidst the increasingly difficult challenges of our current culture.

  • Pastor for Twenties & Worship

    Jeff is Canadian and previously served as a church planter in downtown Toronto. He is currently studying for his MDiv at Westminster, and is on placement with us as a non-paid staff member. He is married to Mika, an Australian, and they have two young children Eden and Gabe. Jeff leads our worship ministry and oversees our young adults’ program.

  • Pastor for Care & Technology

    Sam Im was born in South Korea and grew up in New York City. He graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in 2016. He is married to Sarah and they have two young children, Noelle and Caleb. Sam loves to provide pastoral care for God’s people in the struggles of life. As Pastor for Care, Sam is available to help the congregation across a wide range of pastoral and spiritual needs. He oversees our pastoral visitation team of men and women and leads in providing home visits to the sick and housebound. He also serves as the IT manager at the church.

  • Pastor for Youth & Children

    Zach was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of an inner-city church planter. He graduated with an associates degree from Lancaster Bible College in 2019. He is married to Natalie, and they have one daughter, Evelyn. Before joining the staff in 2023, Zach served with CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) for over 10 years, most recently as the Bucks and Montgomery County Chapter Director. He loves both youth and children and is passionate about teaching the Bible clearly in a fun environment, supporting families, reaching the lost and making young disciples. Zach also oversees our church administration.